Things are moving in the right direction. It seems all I needed was a little game of kickball to get my mojo going again! Who knew I would enjoy it so much?! Our team, The Butt-Kickers, won the game (two of the runs being scored by yours truly). I was honestly very impressed by my speedy jaunt around the bases. The other highlight of the day...I surpassed my personal goal on the Arc Trainer by reaching a resistance of 55 while maintaining my speed throughout. Now that's a ball kicker!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Day 17 - The Chiro & The Chili Pepper
First...thanks to everyone for all of the support from last night's post. I appreciate the comments, the hugs, and words of encouragementm. Where I started today is not where I have finished. I woke up with even more bitchassness than I went to bed with. Whiney, complainy, achey, depressed, and exhausted. Instead of one day at a time, I had to break it down to one hour / decision at a time. So first it was breakfast...I went w/out a shower, or washing my face, or even putting on deodorant. I just threw on my clothes, tossed on a cap and some flip-flops and went out the door. It was muffin day...translation...I had eggs and toast. On to the the hike.
I DID NOT want to hike. Stephanie basically told me to get my shit and get my ass on the van (please note that my dear friend does not have the same filthy mouth that I do, so it was much more gentle and less cussy) but I got the point. Back to the room...I my hiking shoes and got my butt onto the van. Today I was last on the van...last on the hike...but I did show up.
After the hike, my morning class, and lunch I honestly felt like I couldn't move another step and that I might go postal...spraying pink frosting everywhere causing complete and total chaos. When these are the images going through your mind, it is time for some serious sleep. I called and let Jenna know that I needed to take the afternoon to get some rest. I needed to recover physically and mentally. Two and half hours later I was starting to feel human again. Add that to an appointment with Dr. Ray, and I actually feel like myself again! I was carrying so much tension in my shoulders it was insane...I actually had a knot on the back of my neck...ewww. He stretched my legs, loosening everything up. My body is ready to turn this bitchassness into some BADASSNESS!
In other news, I crossed paths with Anthony Kiedis, the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, today. He was getting his shirtless run on at Point Dume this morning. He also had this perfect 80's porn star stache that was beyond awesome. I'm pretty positive that when he said, "Not a problem, thanks." when I apologized for being in his path, he meant "Hey Sexy Lady wanna get it on." After we made out I wanted to take his picture, but that just seemed tasteless .
I DID NOT want to hike. Stephanie basically told me to get my shit and get my ass on the van (please note that my dear friend does not have the same filthy mouth that I do, so it was much more gentle and less cussy) but I got the point. Back to the room...I my hiking shoes and got my butt onto the van. Today I was last on the van...last on the hike...but I did show up.
After the hike, my morning class, and lunch I honestly felt like I couldn't move another step and that I might go postal...spraying pink frosting everywhere causing complete and total chaos. When these are the images going through your mind, it is time for some serious sleep. I called and let Jenna know that I needed to take the afternoon to get some rest. I needed to recover physically and mentally. Two and half hours later I was starting to feel human again. Add that to an appointment with Dr. Ray, and I actually feel like myself again! I was carrying so much tension in my shoulders it was insane...I actually had a knot on the back of my neck...ewww. He stretched my legs, loosening everything up. My body is ready to turn this bitchassness into some BADASSNESS!
In other news, I crossed paths with Anthony Kiedis, the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, today. He was getting his shirtless run on at Point Dume this morning. He also had this perfect 80's porn star stache that was beyond awesome. I'm pretty positive that when he said, "Not a problem, thanks." when I apologized for being in his path, he meant "Hey Sexy Lady wanna get it on." After we made out I wanted to take his picture, but that just seemed tasteless .
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Day 16 - Anger Management
Dang I have had a Sassitude today! Mentally I am really struggling. Word on the street is that week 3 is tough for a lot of people, so maybe this is just par for the course or a self-fulfilling prophecy. Either way, it doesn't change the fact that I hit some sort of wall around 6:30am and have given new meaning to the term "wall flower". Recently there has been some "real world" stuff invading my space here. I know I need to stay focused, not worry about the things I can't control, blah blah blah. I am really struggling, and it is pissing me off! REALLY PISSING ME OFF! Normally I would deal with this anger by eating, turning the anger inward and punishing myself. When I can't eat, I get the urge to self-injure. It has been a long time since I have been in that place, and I don't want to drop to the level. I'm trying to "leave it in the gym", but I can't seem to get my head right...focus...and stop the negative self-talk. It feels like I am backsliding which is horrifying! I want to go home a different person, and if I can't deal here how will I ever deal at home?! I need to stop spiralling...I am falling down a rabbit hole. I need help, don't know who to ask, what to ask for, or how to accept it.
Days 11 - 15 Week Two's Through
Solsitice Canyon: On Thursday I hiked Solstice! This a huge accomplishment for me given that it is one of the more challenging hikes. I was totally last, but my pace was steady. The reward at the top of the climb is a little waterfall and some pretty cool ruins. Jake acted as my personal hiking guide that day, encouraging me the entire way.
The Miracle Worker: Two hours into Solstice and my foot pain was pretty intense. Add 5 additional hours of exercise to that, and it was excruciating. Enter Dr.Ray.
OK...maybe he had on his scrubs...but yes, that's really him. Anyways, he is the chiropractor who works on site here and has made a difference for so many people. I initially went in to get my foot taped, then learned that the issue was not plantar's but an issue in my hip...20 minutes later my pain was completely gone. COMPLETELY! Not only that, but it has not returned. Now THAT'S HOT!
The Weekend: I went on the beach hike Saturday morning and had a wonderful time. The weather was chilly, but I took some time to myself to sit out on the rocks, watch the waves, and meditate/pray. Other than that it was pretty much about napping and laundry....the weekend, not the hike.
Happy Monday: Time for the assessment hike! There were several of my buddies in the van, which made the hike a lot of fun. We were back at Paramount, but we hike an area that I had not seen before which was cool. Lots of lovely sage and smell-good plants. It is crazy how far I have come, and I actually wanted more of a challenge. Seriously, I must be losing my mind! Either way...Van 5 here I come.
Jake and me. |
So proud! |
My homegirl Stephanie. |
Bird of Paradise |
The Miracle Worker: Two hours into Solstice and my foot pain was pretty intense. Add 5 additional hours of exercise to that, and it was excruciating. Enter Dr.Ray.
OK...maybe he had on his scrubs...but yes, that's really him. Anyways, he is the chiropractor who works on site here and has made a difference for so many people. I initially went in to get my foot taped, then learned that the issue was not plantar's but an issue in my hip...20 minutes later my pain was completely gone. COMPLETELY! Not only that, but it has not returned. Now THAT'S HOT!
The Weekend: I went on the beach hike Saturday morning and had a wonderful time. The weather was chilly, but I took some time to myself to sit out on the rocks, watch the waves, and meditate/pray. Other than that it was pretty much about napping and laundry....the weekend, not the hike.
The view from my perch on the rock. |
Happy Monday: Time for the assessment hike! There were several of my buddies in the van, which made the hike a lot of fun. We were back at Paramount, but we hike an area that I had not seen before which was cool. Lots of lovely sage and smell-good plants. It is crazy how far I have come, and I actually wanted more of a challenge. Seriously, I must be losing my mind! Either way...Van 5 here I come.
Smile! |
Noelle looking lovely. |
The Crew. |
Chalk Live Forever (That's the name of the plant.) |
White Sage |
Hi Danielle! |
Monday, March 28, 2011
Day 14 - Say What!
9.2 The magnitude of the largest earthquake in Alaska and the number of pounds I have lost so far! Can I get a WHAT WHAT!
I'll be kind and rewind tomorrow (Day's 11-13.) Until then, shake that booty and enjoy yo'self some Jay'Z.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Day 10 - Happy Hump Day
I think today was an EPIC EVENT! I really pushed myself and was pleasantly surprised at what I was able to do. My day started with a warm-up in the gym, followed by breakfast. After breakfast (hot muesli) we left for our hike, which was at the beach. I felt like God was was so beautiful and full of life (see pics below). I also had commented this morning that I felt like playing on the beach, and I actually got an opportunity to do a little bit of that! After we got back, it was time for Circuit, then lunch, an optional Spin class, Kickboxing, Mountain Class, and Water Circuit. My booty is sore from the bike, my knuckles are raw from punching the bag, and my feet are still cold from swimming in the pouring rain...but I feel more alive and in touch with my body than I ever have. It is so amazing! It is such a gift to be here.
My KT Tape for Arch Support |
Check out all of the rocks. The last time I was here, all of these rocks were covered by sand. |
Hi Steph! |
My new trail shoes. Still not sure they are the right ones. |
Me hugging on Steven. |
Aren't we looking good in Week 2?! |
More of the rocks...the sand was a little softer. |
Steven saving star fish...don't ask about his sweater. |
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Day 9 - Plantar's Pee-Nuts
Thanks so much everyone for your support and comments on my last couple of posts! It means a lot to me, so keep them coming. I often will respond, so you may want to check back occasionally. On to today's post...
Say it with me, "Plantar Fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia is overly stretched. A number of factors can contribute to this. It is more common in women (of course), and you're more likely to have this condition as you age or if you are...
Say it with me, "Plantar Fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia is overly stretched. A number of factors can contribute to this. It is more common in women (of course), and you're more likely to have this condition as you age or if you are...
- Are overweight.
- Take up a new form of exercise or suddenly increase the intensity of your exercise.
- Are on your feet for several hours each day.
- Have other medical conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus).
- Tend to wear high-heeled shoes, and then switch abruptly to flat shoes.
- Wear shoes that are worn out, with weak arch supports and thin soles.
- Have flat feet or an unusually high arch.
- Have legs of uneven lengths or an abnormal walk or foot position.
- Have tight achilles tendons, or "heel cords."
- I got a package in the mail from my wife containing my new iPod loaded with a special Fitness Ridge Playlist she made!
- I reached a new speed and level on the bike during Cardio (18 mph / Level 15)
- Chocolate covered strawberries...nothing more to be said.
- Cherry flavored GasX sounds like a tempting midnight snack.
- You find yourself hoarding almonds, apples, bananas, or all three just in case you get hungry.
- The contents of your make-up drawer now consist of duct-tape, Glide, Boudreaux's Butt Paste, Band-Aids, Neosporin, and Biofreeze/IcyHot.
- On your way to lunch you pass at least 5 people wearing a silver version of the Hugh Hefner robe.
- You demand to see the Chef because you're certain that the girl next to got a larger piece of dessert.
- It's 58 degrees, your given the choice of Mountain Class or run to get your bathing suit.
- A fight breaks out in the dining hall over a bottle of Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce.
- You ask, "What's that smell, " and realize it's you.
- At least once a day you hear, "Ohhh, I like your stretch pants!" or "What kind of bra are you wearing?!"
- You are mid-squat on the seated leg press machine, sneeze, and pee your pants...OK, maybe that one was just me.

Monday, March 21, 2011
Day 8 - Welcome to Week 2 & Van 3
Holla at your Girl! After the assessment hike this morning I found out that I would be moving to Van 3 from Van 1. Vans are assigned based on your pace...this means I have shown progress. Even better...I FEEL like I am making progress. It was pouring rain and really cold, but we made it 2 hours and 45 mins. Unfortunately, I won't be able to hike tomorrow. Instead, I am going on a field trip to the Urgent Care. The arch of my left foot has been hurting for a while but reached a new level of "SWEET BABY JEEZ" today after Mountain class. Hopefully it's nothing major...they'll tape it up...pat me on the bottom and send me on my way. Can you believe I actually cried when I found out I was going to miss my hike?! I don't know who this person is that I am becoming, but I think I'm going to like her.
Pics from today...
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